Julien Roesz’s Déjà Vus

Julien Roesz is a photographer from Strasbourg, France who is engaging in a photographic endeavor of high interest. His urban exploration photographs are impressive images that generate not only the classic emotions urbex imagery usually creates, but that also raise questions.

His photos give the viewer a sense of déjà vu. When looking at his works, you get a sense of having been there before – maybe in an alternavie universe, maybe in a dream, maybe in a moment you simply don’t remember.

More than that, the images contain not only the past of place, but also the state of mind of the present viewer and their dreams and hopes for the upcoming times.


Comment appelle t’on un collectionneur de matelas? (What do you call a matress collectioner?)


Cette année Noël tombe en juillet (This year, Christmas is in july)


Créature de gymnase (Gym creature)


Les mafieux russes (Russian mafia men)


Désaccord au sujet de la note (Disagreement on the subject of a note)




Hotel green valley. Conseil. 30 minutes de marche par jour (Green Valley hotel. Adice: Walk 30 minutes each day)


Jumelles requises (Binoculars required)


La recherche de la couleur (Color reasearch)


Le clin d’oeil de l’africaine (A glimpse over Africa)


Séparés par le tapis rouge (Separated by the red carpet)


Une pensée pour Detroit (A thought for Detroit)


Website: flickr.com/photos/113367580@N03/ 

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