The Liev Porfolio: Photographs (2019)

This December sees the release of the book Liev Portfolio: Photographs (2019) published by Fraquoh and Franchomme. The album contains a series of photographs and texts that reflect on different facets of the world and of art itself. The photos vary in style, but are still cohesive and coherent and compose a visual discourse thatContinue reading “The Liev Porfolio: Photographs (2019)”

Sights of a Vanishing World

Back in January, we talked about how one of our main themes for 2018 would be the “Architecture of the Mind” and how we would be focusing a lot on urban exploration photography, urbex for short. The reason we chose this theme was because we believed it reflected a good part of what our worldContinue reading “Sights of a Vanishing World”

Architecture of the Mind

  Art is the physical expression of our spirit. The human experience is a constant interplay between the outside world (the medium) and the inside world (the mind). These elements are in a constant state of influencing each other. We influence the medium with our feelings, sensations and emotions and the medium influences us. Therefore,Continue reading “Architecture of the Mind”