Andrew John is a photographer who took a series of pictures that are very modern, stylish and narrative. They draw very much from the glamorous shots of photographers such as Annie Leibovitz or from fashion photo shoots. Proof that you don’t need to be VF to do VF.
Tag Archives: nature
A Meeting of Two Worlds
The ideas of “man-made” vs. “nature” are always thought of as very separate entitities. In our minds, they often never meet or cross paths. However, in everyday life, they meet more than we actually think of. Rob Luzecky‘s photo illustrates this idea in a very simple and natural way and invites us to spot moreContinue reading “A Meeting of Two Worlds”
Bathing in an Ocean of Flowers
Ocean of Flowers is a painting by Alejos Lorenzo Vergara from Spain. It is a vibrant piece that features scattered flowers on multiple layers. The spots of colors where the flowers become abstract, as juxtaposed on the representational flowers are in many ways similar to a painter’s color board, going from round spots of clearContinue reading “Bathing in an Ocean of Flowers”
Waiting for Spring
This abstract painting by Ukrainian painter Andris is actually a triptic. It is a mix of representational and abstract art, drawing from clear floral shapes and moving into an abstract viewpoint. Thus, it brings together two worlds, one of the everyday concrete and one of the impression.
Don’t Repeat after Me
Originally from Brazil, Daniel Bo has also lived in Paris in New York and has exhibited on many occasions. In his childhood, he saw many of the women in his family craft and paint delicate porcelain dolls. His paintings of wildlife, by which he is fascinated draw in a way on the fragile aesthetic ofContinue reading “Don’t Repeat after Me”
Geometric Walking
Sara Ede’s photograph of a boy walking on a sidewalk surrounded by an unfinished pavement and beautiful botanicals makes the viewer contemplate on the artistic nature of the everyday. The simple geometries that compose the image can be seen as a reflection on the structures in which we live and which shape our daily lives.
Jos Monreal’s Fascination with Depth
Based in Guadalajara, Mexico, Jos Monreal is creating photographs of everyday moments that often we don’t really get to see and take in. His works feature places, people, animals and situations that are not uncommon to daily life. However, Jos makes these situations events and gives them a special vibe using high contrasts and carefully chosenContinue reading “Jos Monreal’s Fascination with Depth”