On Thursday, November 3, 2022, at the Patria Hall of the Brasov Philharmonic, the opening of the photo exhibition “From morning to night, Brasov”, organized by Pink Cat Studios, took place.

The exhibition includes more than 180 photos taken by photographers Alexandra Tomescu, Alex Nicodim, Alexandra Pandrea, Iosif Trif, Mihai Poiană and Șerban Mestecăneanu on 13 September 2022, throughout the day. As part of the project, the film production studio Pink Cat made a making-of documentary film of about 30 minutes, which was screened at the end of the opening.
The documentary is signed by director Robert Antonescu and Dragoș Ureche.
The photo exhibition follows the 6 photographers’ journey through Brasov. They started their day in different neighborhoods of Brasov and during the day they moved towards the city center, ending their visual story in the Council Square. Each one went on a creative journey discovering Brasov in a way that perhaps many of us have not before. The result: people, buildings, stories complement and enrich each other, in an exhibition that puts the soul of a city that is both practical and exuberant on a tray of polish.
The opening included a brief presentation of the project concept by director Robert Antonescu and a short intervention by photographer Iosif Trif, who was present at the opening.

Robert Antonescu, director: “We invite people from Brasov to discover Brasov seen through the lens of 4 photographers from abroad and 2 local photographers. The documentary film resulting from two film crews following them throughout the day tries to compress into 40 minutes the experience of a living Brasov, full of contrasts, tourist attraction, economic centre and quiet city at the same time.”
The project “From morning to night, Brasov” is implemented by Pink Cat Studios, in partnership with Filarmonica Brasov and Zile și Nopți and co-financed by the City Hall of Brasov.
The Mayor of Brasov on the special character of Brasov (statement taken from the documentary “From morning till night, Brasov”) : “There are many aspects that make Brasov special. Multiculturalism, the fact that we have nature just a stone’s throw away, we have the largest mountain resort, a district of Brasov, which is unique in the Romanian spectrum, we have accelerated development and a strong university center. All these things are pieces of a puzzle that fit together harmoniously. Brasov has a very good image!”
The team that worked on the production of this project: Robert Antonescu, Dragoș Ureche, Gabriel Tudor Marin, Ștefania Antonescu, Mihai Bodea, Alexandru Popescu, George Gunes, Alexandra Tomescu, Alex Nicodim, Alexandra Pandrea, Iosif Trif, Mihai Poiană and Șerban Mestecăneanu.