Manuscript of the Triumphant Maximilian I

The Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519, elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1508) commissioned two works of art which had a considerable influence on court festivals generally in the Empire: the set of 192 woodcuts commissioned from Albrecht Dürer in 1515 which together make up the Triumphal Arch and the series of 136 woodcutsContinue reading “Manuscript of the Triumphant Maximilian I”

Representations of Political Power

Constructing power In the course of history, power has always had one of the most important roles in arts and cultural products. The methods of framing and visually constructing power have been carefully created and developed. Even though we might think that the ancient Egyptians and Greeks had more naive ways of representing the ideaContinue reading “Representations of Political Power”

Opening Page

“Great art picks up where nature ends.”  – Marc Chagall Musurgia Universalis is an exhaustive compendium of musical knowledge at the transition point between sacred renaissance polyphony and secular Baroque music. Much of Musurgia is dedicated to a survey of contemporary music, including the first published mention of the baroque ‘doctrine of the affections’ in whichContinue reading “Opening Page”